К лошадкам ехать не получается... обыдно.. только через неделю, если не больше...
а тут ещё...
ну прочитайте вот, кто понимает английски: (ссылка здесь: http://forum.dtmpower.net/showthread.ph ... post423596 )
Well... imagine this:
me and a friend of mine (Denis, some of you met him before), drive to work together, on his car (that nice 325is, with M3 kit... used to be in my sig) well anyhow. I drop him off first, then I go and park the car by my work - cuz it's free for me. Well actualy I don't park it, the guy who works there does.
So picture this: he gives me the keys (car's rear is facing a bush (thank GOD not a tree ) and there's a curb... well behind this is a road. I work in downtown, so u can imagine the traffic.
Bimmer can automaticly start, so it's raining, I'm in a hurry... I'm starting the car, and it backs all the way on the curb, over the bushes, and almost on the road. I'm trying to stop it... ... well so we did... with that guy who parked it... :shock:
So him and another two guys are trying to push it off the curb... my friends car is low... with that kit! Well they finaly do, The younger guy, smiles in this evil way, and says "Is that your husbands car?"... :evil:
the lil piece underneth the rear bumper falls off. I'm about to cry right there. So he pushes it back in... I drive off, to the closest dealership - Mercedes, they tell me to drive to Rassmusens 20 blocks up.. I do that... then another shop. Well with no scratches, nothing major just have to replace that thing. Which costs $120 + 20 min. of labor
I'm just thankfull it didn't fly off to the road, or that there wasn't a tree behind it.... I'm in shock! Still have to tell my friend about it... hope he wont kill me
P.s. just spoke to a friend of mine, he said, when Denis was fixing the bimmer, he broke something... well if the car is in reverse on in the first gear, when u start it - it should stop... well it didn't
а тут ещё...
ну прочитайте вот, кто понимает английски: (ссылка здесь: http://forum.dtmpower.net/showthread.ph ... post423596 )
Well... imagine this:
me and a friend of mine (Denis, some of you met him before), drive to work together, on his car (that nice 325is, with M3 kit... used to be in my sig) well anyhow. I drop him off first, then I go and park the car by my work - cuz it's free for me. Well actualy I don't park it, the guy who works there does.
So picture this: he gives me the keys (car's rear is facing a bush (thank GOD not a tree ) and there's a curb... well behind this is a road. I work in downtown, so u can imagine the traffic.
Bimmer can automaticly start, so it's raining, I'm in a hurry... I'm starting the car, and it backs all the way on the curb, over the bushes, and almost on the road. I'm trying to stop it... ... well so we did... with that guy who parked it... :shock:
So him and another two guys are trying to push it off the curb... my friends car is low... with that kit! Well they finaly do, The younger guy, smiles in this evil way, and says "Is that your husbands car?"... :evil:
the lil piece underneth the rear bumper falls off. I'm about to cry right there. So he pushes it back in... I drive off, to the closest dealership - Mercedes, they tell me to drive to Rassmusens 20 blocks up.. I do that... then another shop. Well with no scratches, nothing major just have to replace that thing. Which costs $120 + 20 min. of labor
I'm just thankfull it didn't fly off to the road, or that there wasn't a tree behind it.... I'm in shock! Still have to tell my friend about it... hope he wont kill me
P.s. just spoke to a friend of mine, he said, when Denis was fixing the bimmer, he broke something... well if the car is in reverse on in the first gear, when u start it - it should stop... well it didn't